We are the Vacation Rental Tech Community…
…Bringing together vacation rental industry leaders and game changers to inspire & educate property managers around the world.
Years of Experience
Events Organised
Technology is revolutionising our field, don’t get left behind!

Short talks, panels, hot seats followed by drinks. Build a network in intimate settings.
Participate in the yearly VRTECH Startup Competition!

What attendees say about our events
VRTECH Edinburgh
“Working in this industry can be quite isolating, so to be able to meet others in the industry, to talk, learn and share information, in a casual environment is invaluable. I’m looking forward to attending more!”
“It is great that it is “after-work”, so nice to sit back and listen to new ventures and technological tools that you might not hear of otherwise. It is compact and manageable, not requiring preparation. It is also a great networking opportunity.”
“I thought it was really great. I liked that it wasn’t too long and that the presentations were clear and concise. I also liked the post-event networking that gave us all an informal way to connect. I would highly recommend these events and will be attending more in the future.”
“Very much enjoyed the casual atmosphere and the networking opportunities. There were some great guests attending the event.”
“We love the concept of the VrTech events with quick product overviews and more time to talk with presenters after or network with colleagues.”